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13 Январь 2025 01:26
Общение на разные темы » USSR: Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova and so on. Автор: Дони | 13 Январь 2025 01:24
Общение на разные темы » СССР: Эстония, Грузия, Литва, Молдова и так далее. Автор: Дони | 10 Январь 2025 16:37
Общение на разные темы » США: Освободить всех политических заключенных. Автор: Дони | 10 Январь 2025 16:36
Общение на разные темы » Президент США, пожалуйста, защитите Харви Вайнштейна. Автор: Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 15:35
Общение на разные темы » In Russia protests against predatory laws. Автор: Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 15:33
Общение на разные темы » В России протесты против грабительских законов. Автор: Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 06:08
Общение на разные темы » Russia save Beketovka and Bashurina A.M. 2 сообщение, Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 06:04
Общение на разные темы » Россия спасает Бекетовку и Башурина А.М. 2 сообщение, Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 04:13
Общение на разные темы » In Russia rallies and protests. Автор: Дони | 17 Декабрь 2024 04:10
Общение на разные темы » В России митинги и протесты. Автор: Дони | 16 Декабрь 2024 23:15
Общение на разные темы » Russia has been occupied by bureaucrats. Автор: Дони | 16 Декабрь 2024 23:11
Общение на разные темы » Россия оккупирована бюрократами. Автор: Дони |
|  | » » » Coronavirus of the we are not afraid. | |
Coronavirus of the we are not afraid. |  |
| Автор | Сообщение | Дони | |
0 - 11:31 14.09.2021 | In Europe, the USA, Russia, Asia,
Africa and the East, products from store
shelves and markets pose a serious threat
to health and life, and all types of meat
are treated with carbon monoxide
and other chemicals,
and this is also dangerous to health.
I always took meat to the market,
and this year they began to treat it everywhere
with antioxidants E-300 - ascorbic acid,
E-301 - sodium ascorbate and acidity regulators,
E-331 - sodium citrate and so on;
this is all dangerous for the body.
Today, chemicals can be found everywhere
and in everything, even many chemicals
can be found in all vegetables, fruits and foods.
The shelves of supermarkets and markets
literally break down from grocery products,
but they are all treated with chemicals.
Today you will not find products
without chemicals anywhere in the world.
Chemicals through water, soil and air are
distributed throughout and around the globe.
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:31 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
1 - 11:32 14.09.2021 | In Russia, Europe, USA, Asia,
Africa and the East,
the authorities brazenly poison
people with chemicals.
Residents In the village of Zarozhdenie,
Krasnodar Territory, are fighting
against agrarians who constantly cultivate
the fields with all kinds of pesticides
that poison the land, water and air.
People appealed to all authorities
and law enforcement agencies,
without helping to bring the perpetrators
to justice.
Residents suffer from headaches,
nausea and burning eyes, rashes on the body,
people often get sick from chemicals.
A pungent smell of pesticides appeared, which
did not allow people to sleep peacefully all
night. The suffocating smell of chemicals was
so strong that tenants had to close the windows
and close the doors tightly to prevent them from
seeping into the room, and this did not help, the
suffocating chemical smell was felt everywhere.
Go to any supermarket, shopping malls,
markets and any grocery store
and try to find at least one product
or vegetables and fruits that do not contain
chemicals - herbicides, pesticides
and many other pesticides.
Pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals
are used everywhere today, they
are dangerous for the whole world.
Flora and fauna around the
world die every day from environmental
pollution and chemicals.
In Russia, Europe, the USA, Asia,
Africa and the East, all water, land
and air are poisoned by the activity
of all mankind, industrialization,
urbanization and civilization.
All over the world, a terrible ecological
situation, all water, earth
and air are poisoned, everyone
gets sick and dies from chemicals -
herbicides, pesticides, cities, industry,
transport, landfills, sewers and cesspools.
The heat today is not natural all over the world
and is becoming more frequent and intense and
suffocating from cities, industry, transport, from
building materials, from landfills, sewers,
cesspools, from burning coal, oil, gas and so on;
All this led to the poisoning and destruction of the
entire globe and the ozone layer of the
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:32 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
2 - 11:34 14.09.2021 | In Russia, Europe, USA, Asia,
Africa and the East there is no clean water
left at all, we all drink poisoned water
and eat all poisoned vegetables,
fruits, berries and so on.
Protectors of Nature
urge humanity to abandon
all destructive civilization, otherwise
in 15 years an apocalypse will occur.
The whole Earth, water and air are poisoned
and disfigured, from this today everyone
suffers, gets sick and dies painfully.
The whole organism of everyone is poisoned,
due to the fact that nowhere in the world
there is clean water, air,
and also there are no real plants,
vegetables and fruits, because the whole Earth
is poisoned and devastated.
People do not think at all that they are polluting
the environment, and after that it is impossible
to clean one iota.
Water, soil and air all over the world are poisoned
by all kinds of chemical and toxic substances and
wastes. They are strong carcinogens, their toxic
substances, deposits and vapors are spread all
over the world, and there is nowhere to hide from
them, and it is impossible to escape from toxic
substances anywhere in the world. Poisonous
substances and chemicals penetrate any
obstacle, and we all drink poisoned water, eat all
poisoned vegetables and fruits and breathe
poisonous air everywhere.
Please save the world,
contaminated and poisoned soil, water
and atmosphere are carried around the world,
seeping into groundwater, rivers, lakes, seas
and oceans.
Plants, flora, fauna and so on every day get sick
and die from toxic substances, chemicals,
pesticides, herbicides, as well as from oil,
gases and from garbage, landfills and so on.
Humanity has never tried to change the
situation on the planet for the better.
7 billion 827 thousand people destroy
and devastate Nature.
The pollution and destruction of the Earth, water
and atmosphere has led to many diseases and
painful deaths from toxic substances, pesticides,
herbicides and so on. It is a nightmare and horror,
the most famous and serious problem for the
whole world, which is faced by everyone
everywhere and everywhere. And people know
that everything leads to destruction and continue
to pollute and destroy Nature.
People do not bring any benefit to the world,
but only multiply and live in one day and have
chosen a terrible destructive path, destroying
everything in their path.
Humanity has devastated, disfigured
and poisoned the whole
world. Because of this, more and more chemical
and acid rain and snow fall all over the world.
Poisoning, devastation and destruction of the
globe occurs due to the extraction of coal, oil,
ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc , lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium,
cobalt, uranium, oxide, tungsten, zirconium,
magnesium, potassium, vanadium, molybdenum,
palladium and more.
As a result, the extraction of everything and
everyone from the globe led to the destruction
of the entire globe, huge quarries, craters,
underground voids everywhere and around
the world led to the complete destruction
of the globe, this is already a global catastrophe.
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:34 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
3 - 11:35 14.09.2021 | In Europe, Russia, USA, Asia, Africa and the East,
civil servants of all levels and ranks and medical
professionals around the world hide the cause of
illness and death of all living things in the world.
All over the world, plants, flora, fauna and all
living things around the world get sick and die
from poisoned soil, water and air, this is the main
cause of all illness and death of all living things
in the world.
All diseases and painful deaths from toxic
substances, pesticides, herbicides and so on.
This is a nightmare and horror, the most
famous and serious problem for the whole world,
which is faced by everyone everywhere
and everywhere.
And people know that everything leads to
destruction and continues to pollute and destroy
All water, all earth and atmosphere are poisoned,
except for this lake, rivers and reservoirs become
shallow, dry up and disappear forever, and plants
of flora and fauna die from this.
Cities, industry and transport have poisoned all
the water, the entire earth, the entire atmosphere,
this has led to the destruction of the ozone layer,
for this reason water and moisture in the soil
evaporate thousands of times faster.
State officials of all levels and ranks deliberately
poison and destroy us: Chemicals are used to
destroy us and all life on the planet. Humanity,
poisoned the entire earth, all rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans and atmosphere. All living things in the
world get sick and die from chemicals -
herbicides, pesticides, exhaust gases from
vehicles, industrial complexes, landfills, sewers,
cesspools and landfills, there are more than 700
thousand of them all over the world.
The amount of toxic substances in water, soil and
atmosphere is off scale, this is the reason for the
mass death of vegetation of animals, birds, as
well as flora and fauna all over the world.
An environmental disaster in the Voronezh and
Lipetsk regions - all living things died in the
Usman River. Environmentalists have found 30
toxic chemicals in water samples. Humanity has
turned the whole world into a chemical cocktail,
from which all living things around the world
suffer from the dumping of toxic waste - this is
the most dangerous waste of cities, industrial
enterprises, factories, plants, metallurgical,
chemical, oil refineries and from all spheres and
For many years, under the leadership
of the authorities of all countries of the world,
for many years, people all over the world
have been destroying Nature for the sake
of harmful materialism, humanity does not want
to think and understand that there
is no chance to cleanse the polluted, poisoned Earth,
water and atmosphere.
What is destroyed, poisoned all over the world
will never be restored.
People, are you not afraid that soon the water will
disappear forever, and somewhere there will be
water, then everything and everything is poisoned
beyond recognition, are not you afraid that
oxygen will soon disappear, and are not afraid
that soon nothing will grow?
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:35 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
4 - 11:48 14.09.2021 | In Russia, Europe, the USA, Asia, Africa and the
East Water is becoming scarce, today the water
level is at an all-time low and will reach
catastrophic levels by 2030 due to the extraction
of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin,
manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more.
Horror and nightmare everywhere and all over the
world due to the fact that there are many billions
of bad people, they only bring destruction,
destroying huge areas of fertile land and
poisoning all earth, water and air. It's time to
understand the simple truth that we all live on
one Planet, and not on another. And everything
that you throw away, pour out and poison
everything and all this will not go anywhere and
nothing will disappear anywhere, and everything
will return to you, and all this will be in your
lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, liver and in all
Save Planet World: Protector
of Nature Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich.
Devastation and pollution of the Earth, water and
air due to the criminal activities of all mankind.
People do not think about the consequences of
their crimes against Nature: they are confident in
their complete impunity.
Environmental problems in the world are taking
on the scale of a global catastrophe, if they are
not solved today, then tomorrow it will be too
late. There remains the only chance to save
Nature, completely abandon human civilization
and live like the rest of the animal world.
The sources of all diseases and terrible painful
deaths are everywhere, it is civilization,
urbanization and industrialization: These three
factors turned the earthly paradise into horror and
hell, disfigured, poisoned all nature.
People violate the laws of nature in order to
destroy everything and everyone in the world.
The Earth and the atmosphere on the Planet
are the same, if people somewhere destroy
something, it upsets the ecological balance
in the whole world.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, ask all people
to stop destroying Nature. Several centuries ago
there were few people in the world and there were
no cities, transport and industry, then there was a
real paradise. And today it is a real hell, the
whole world is poisoned with toxic waste, it hurts
to see how people destroy Nature.
Under no circumstances should any excavation or
mining work in the world be permitted as it
destroys natural landscapes. 58 years ago there
were many green and clean places in many parts
of the world. And today everything is poisoned
everywhere. The whole world is drowning in toxic
waste, hundreds of billions of tons of the most
dangerous waste are scattered around the world,
on Earth in gorges, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans,
and all toxic waste from all over the world is
dumped there.
People Industrialization and urbanization
have led to the complete poisoning
and destruction of the entire
globe and water sources.
Mining of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt,magnesium,
uranium, oxides and much more:
Extraction of all that in the world will lead
to the complete destruction of the entire
globe and to the shallowing of rivers, lakes
of the sea and the Aral Sea and the complete
disappearance of fresh water throughout the world.
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:48 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
5 - 11:49 14.09.2021 | Europe, Russia, the USA, Asia, Africa
and the East are experiencing an acute
shortage of clean water.
No one can purify polluted water from
toxic substances. Secondly, not a single
wastewater treatment plant in the world
has ever skillfully and will not be able
to purify water from harmful toxic substances.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
appeal to all of humanity, stop for a
second and imagine this picture, that there is
nothing to breathe, there is no water at all, there
is heat and drought, then we will all be finished.
Save Nature and protect the world from
humanity. The most terrible and monstrous
actions of mankind have led, will lead to terrible
consequences to the complete destruction of the
entire globe: All over the world, huge underground
voids, quarries, cracks and cracks - from the
extraction of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc,
lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more,
have led to the destruction of the entire globe.
Protectors of nature from all over the
world urge people to refuse from everything
harmful in the name of Nature. It is a pity that the
vast majority of people do not heed the voice of
Monstrous people all over the
world think that they live on another planet, that's
why they are so brazenly destroying Nature.
The ecological situation all over the world is
terrible and requires an early resolution, otherwise
a terrible catastrophe will happen.
Environmentalists call on the whole world to
permanently stop mining Extraction of coal, oil, ore,
gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more.
All living things in the world get sick and die from
chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, exhaust
transport gases, industrial complexes, landfills,
sewers, cesspools and so on.
People have poisoned all the water, the entire earth
and the entire atmosphere, and nowhere in the world
is there anything pure, not even one milligram of
water, everything and everyone is poisoned in the
whole world. Humanity has created hell and
horror all over the world with its own hands.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
ask all people to stop destroying and dominating
Nature and the whole world. There is no difference
between us and all living things in the whole world,
we are all creatures of Nature.
Plants, animals and we are all children of the Earth,
and we are all one family. And we all must live with
the whole world - according to the laws of Nature
and save the World from a worldwide
ecological catastrophe.
The destruction of the globe led to drought and
loss of water in many regions of the world: due
to the extraction of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite,
asbestos, tin, manganese, soil, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, diamonds, gold, silver. , nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium,
cobalt, magnesium, uranium, oxides and much
more: the extraction of all this led to the
destruction of the entire globe and the
disappearance of rivers, streams, lakes,
groundwater and swamps.
Fresh water will forever disappear all over the world
in 20 years if people today do not stop mining coal,
oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese, salt,
soil, gravel, sand, stone. , diamonds, gold, silver,
nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium,
aluminum, titanium, cobalt, magnesium, uranium,
oxides and more.
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:49 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
6 - 11:55 14.09.2021 | In Russia, the USA, Europe,
Asia, Africa and the East,
due to the criminal activities of
mankind, the volume of fresh water around
the world has decreased by 80 percent, the
concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere has
decreased by 90 percent.
The ozone layer in the atmosphere fell to
a catastrophic level of 94 percent, causing
glaciers worldwide to melt
and reaching the point of no return.
Due to the destruction of the ozone layer,
moisture and water evaporate a thousand
times faster, this is already a global disaster.
Climate change for the worse, shallowing and
drying up of rivers and lakes in different parts of
the world, melting of icebergs and the Arctic
Ocean, earthquakes, hurricanes, acid rain and
snow. Humanity knows about this and continues
to destroy the world and continues to poison - the
Earth, the atmosphere and water. From this we
are all sick and do not live, we suffer and die
Human civilization, urbanization and
industrialization have led to the destruction of all
life in the world and to a global environmental
catastrophe. Before it is too late, we can save
Nature, for this we must all stop mining coal, oil, ore,
gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese, soil, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver. , nickel,
copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, magnesium, uranium,
oxides and much more: This is the only way
to prevent a global ecological catastrophe
and save the Earth.
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:55 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
7 - 11:57 14.09.2021 | In Europe, Russia, the USA, Asia, Africa
and the East, bees die en masse from pesticides,
herbicides, chemicals,
and from water, soil and air pollution.
The entire Earth, all water
and the entire atmosphere are completely
poisoned, and all fields, meadows
and forests around the world are poisoned
with herbicides and pesticides,
due to which all types of plants, flora,
fauna have mutated and humans
have mutated too.
Many species of plants, flora, fauna,
insects and animals died as a result
of the criminal activities of mankind.
People destroy all living things with
impunity using pesticides, herbicides
and chemicals.
Humanity does not — think that all
chemicals that poison the soil, water
and atmosphere, as well as along
the chain reach a person and enter
the human body through the skin, through
the respiratory system, through water
and through food, and people will also
painfully die like plants,
flora, fauna and like all animals.
В Европе, России, США, Азии, Африке
и на Востоке пчелы массово умирают
от пестицидов, гербицидов, химикатов,
а также от загрязнения воды, почвы
и воздуха.
Вся Земля, вся вода и вся атмосфера полностью отравлены, а все поля, луга
и леса по всему миру отравлены гербицидами
и пестицидами,
из-за чего все виды растений,
флоры и фауны мутировали, и люди тоже.
Многие виды растений, флоры,
фауны, насекомы и животны погибли
в результате преступной деятельности человечества.
Люди безнаказанно уничтожают
все живое, используя пестициды,
гербициды и химикаты.
Человечество не думает, что все химические
вещества, которые отравляют почву, воду
и атмосферу, а также по цепочке
достигают человека и проникают
в человеческий организм через кожу,
через дыхательную систему, через воду
и через пищу, и люди также будут
мучительно умирают как растения,
флора, фауна и как все животные.
Экология Земли-
Ecology of the Earth-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 11:57 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
8 - 12:01 14.09.2021 | In Russia, the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa
and the East, all Zelya, water and soil has
been poisoned, devastated and disfigured,
from this today everyone suffers, gets sick
and dies painfully.
Today, the environmental situation is
dire in all countries of the world and it
is necessary to solve global environmental
problems so that we can
save the world from destruction.
В России, США, Европе, Азии, Африке
и на Востоке вся Зеля, вода и почва отравлены, опустошены
и обезображены, от этого сегодня
все страдают, болеют и мучительно умирают.
Сегодня экологическая ситуация
во всех странах мира ужасная,
и необходимо решать
глобальные экологические проблемы,
чтобы мы могли спасти мир от разрушения.
Экологические проблемы Земли -
Environmental problems of the Earth!
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:01 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
9 - 12:10 14.09.2021 | In Africa, Europe, the USA, Russia, Asia,
and the East, the ecological situation
is not better than in China, where,
as a result of urbanization
and industrialization, all the land, water
and atmosphere have been poisoned.
The level of pollution of soil, rivers,
lakes, seas, oceans, water bodies
and atmosphere is one of the highest
in the world.
В Африке, Европе, США, России, Азии, Африке
и на Востоке экологическая ситуация
не лучше, чем в Китае, где в результате
урбанизации и индустриализации
отравлены вся земля, вода и атмосфера.
Уровень загрязнения почвы, рек, озер,
морей, океанов, водоемов
и атмосферы —
один из самых высоких в мире.
В Китае отравлены все реки-
In China, all rivers are poisoned-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:10 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
10 - 12:16 14.09.2021 | In Asia, Russia, Europe, the USA, Africa
and the East, a high concentration of toxic
substances in soil, water and atmosphere was recorded,
which led to the death of flora and fauna.
В Азии, России, Европе, США, Африке
и на Востоке была зафиксирована высокая
концентрация токсичных веществ в почве,
воде и атмосфере, что привело к гибели флоры
и фауны.
Загрязнённые реки и озёра:
Ядовитые воды Индонезии-
Polluted rivers and lakes:
Poisonous waters of Indonesia-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:16 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
11 - 12:17 14.09.2021 | The USA, Russia, the USA, Europe, Asia, Africa
and the East, the task of their civil servants
of all levels and ranks is to plunder
and devastate the country
to the ground, and not to protect its security
В США, России, Европе, Азии, Африке
и на Востоке задача государственных
служащих всех уровней и рангов - разграбить
и опустошить страну до основания,
а не защищать её безопасность.
Катастрофическое загрязнение земли, воздуха
и воды-
Catastrophic pollution of land, air and water:
Pollution (pollution of land, air and water)-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:17 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
12 - 12:25 14.09.2021 | In Thailand, Russia,
Europe, the USA, Asia, Africa
and the East, people are destroying
all life on the planet.
People do not want to realize that without Nature
they and all living things in the whole world
will perish. Earth, water and air
are the source of life on the Planet.
Humanity has crippled the entire world,
poisoned and destroyed the entire Earth,
all rivers, all lakes and oceans.
В Тайланде, России,
Европе, США, Азии, Африке
и на Востоке люди уничтожают Мир
и все живое на планете.
Люди не хотят осознавать, что без
Природы они и все живое во всем мире
погибнут. Земля, вода и воздух —
источник жизни на Планете.
Человечество искалечило весь мир,
отравило и уничтожило всю Землю,
все реки, все озера и океаны.
Разлив нефти и токсичные отходы
отравили весь земной шар:
Документальный фильм
BBC о разливе нефти.
The oil spill and toxic waste have
poisoned the entire globe:
Pollution BBC documentary on the oil spill-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:25 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
13 - 12:29 14.09.2021 | European countries and other countries have
become as dry as Africa in 90 years due to the
activities of mankind - due to the extraction of
coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel,
copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide, tungsten,
zirconium, magnesium, potassium, vanadium,
molybdenum, palladium, etc. all over the world,
huge quarries, underground voids
and huge ozone holes from the destructive
activity of mankind have led and led
to the drying up of the Aral Sea
and to the shallowing and drying up of many
rivers, streams, lakes, groundwater, swamps
and ponds in many parts of the world.
We humans should not disturb
or interfere with the environment.
There is no difference between
us and all living things in the world.
Plants, animals and we are all children
of the Earth, and we are all one family.
All of us with the whole world must live
according to the laws of Nature
and save the world from environmental disasters.
Европейские страны и другие страны
за 90 лет стали такими же засушливыми,
как Африка, из-за деятельности человечества -
из-за добычи угля, нефти,
руды, газа, бокситов, асбеста, олова, соли, почвы,
гравия, песка, каменя, алмазы, золото,
серебра, никеля, меди, пирита, цинка, свинеца,
хрома, алюминия, титана, кобальта, урана, оксида,
вольфрама, циркония, магния, калия, ванадия,
молибдена, палладия и так далее:
В результате этой добычи оброзовалось
по всему миру огромные карьеры,
подземные пустоты и огромные озоновый дыры
от губительных дейтелности человечества
привели и превело к высыхание Аральское море
и к обмелению и высыхание многих рек,
ручьев, озёр, грунтовые воды, болота
и пруды во многих частях мира.
Мы, люди, не должны беспокоить
или вмешиваться в окружающую среду.
Нет разницы между нами и всем живым в мире.
Растения, животные и все мы - дети Земли,
и все мы - одна семья. Все мы со всем миром
должны жить по законам Природы и спасти
мир от экологических катастроф.
Самая страшная экологическая катастрофа —
разлив нефти-
The worst environmental disaster is the oil spill:
Exxon Valdez oil spill-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:29 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
14 - 12:36 14.09.2021 | In Canada, the USA, Russia, China
and in all countries of the world they
are suffocating from toxic
substances — industry, transport; cesspools,
sewerage and landfills.
Humanity is destroying the environment,
oil extraction from tar sands has destroyed
the entire natural landscape.
В Канаде, в США, России, Китае
и во всех странах мира
задыхаются от токсичных веществ
от промышленность, транспорт; выгребные ямы, канализация и свалки.
Человечество разрушает окружающую среду, добыча нефти из битуминозных песков уничтожила весь природный ландшафт.
Добыча нефти из битуминозных
песков — это ужас.
Tar sands oil mining is horror-
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:36 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
15 - 12:40 14.09.2021 | In Europe, Russia, the USA, Asia,
Africa and the East, everywhere
the land is devastated, destroyed
and poisoned due to the extraction
of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, diamonds,
gold, silver, nickel,
copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide, tungsten,
zirconium, magnesium, potassium, vanadium,
molybdenum, palladium and more:
As a result of this mining, the entire globe
was devastated,huge cracks around the globe,
huge quarries, holes, and underground voids
everywhere led to the complete destruction
of the globe, this is already a global catastrophe.
The concentration of toxic substances
and chemical substances in water, soil
and atmosphere is off scale,
from this everyone gets sick, tormented and dies.
People all over the world think that if natural
disasters are far from their place of residence,
they will not be affected; It is stupid and criminal
to think so, everyone in all parts of the world
suffers from environmental pollution, it is
impossible to hide and escape anywhere in the
world from toxic substances and chemicals, they
penetrate even through the skin and any clothes,
and any gas mask and thick walls.
В Европе, России, США, Азии,
Африке и на Востоке везде земля опустошена,
разрушена и отравлена ​​из-за добычи угля, нефти,
руды, газа, бокситов, асбеста, олова, соли, почвы,
гравия, песка, каменя, алмазы, золото,
серебра, никеля, меди, пирита, цинка, свинеца,
хрома, алюминия, титана, кобальта, урана, оксида,
вольфрама, циркония, магния, калия, ванадия,
молибдена, палладия и так далее: В результате этой
добычи был разрушен весь земной шар,
огромные трещины по всему земному шару,
огромные карьеры, ямы и подземные пустоты
повсюду привели к полному разрушению
земного шара, это уже глобальная
Концентрация токсичных веществ
и химических веществ в воде, почве и атмосфере зашкаливает, от этого все болеют,
мучаются и умирают
Люди во всем мире думают, что если
стихийные бедствия окажутся далеко
от места их проживания, они не пострадают;
Глупо и преступно думать так, все во всех
частях света страдают от загрязнения
окружающей среды, от токсичных веществ
и химикатов невозможно спрятаться
и спастись нигде в мире, они проникают даже
через кожу и любую одежду, и любую
противогаз и толстые стены.
Разлив нефти Exxon Valdez после
стихийного бедствия | Ретро отчет |
Нью-Йорк Таймс.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill In the Wake
of Disaster | Retro Report | The New York Times:
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 12:40 14.09.2021 | Дони | |
16 - 14:22 27.01.2024 | Germany climate protests in USA, France,
England, Russia, Mexico, Brazil,
Canada, India, Venezuela, Indonesia,
China, Australia, Asia,
Africa, the East and all regions and continents
of the world against mining coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
copper, nickel, ore, diamonds,
gold, silver, emerald, amber, asbestos,
limestone, uranium, chalk, soda and so on.
Civil servants, deputies, senators,
authorities and security forces
use all their forces against us, weapons,
chemical weapons against participants
in peaceful rallies, actions
and protests against the mining
of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ores, salts and so on.
Environmental pollution everywhere is horrific
and catastrophic - the entire Earth, water
and atmosphere are poisoned
as a result of the mining and burning
of coal, oil, gas, shale and so on.
The extraction of everything from the Earth
led to the destruction of the globe -
everywhere huge underground voids,
quarries, craters and abysses led
to the death of the Earth, rivers, lakes,
seas, oceans, forests, meadows,
mountains and all life on the Planet.
The entire globe is devastated
and poisoned, and because
of this everyone is born mutants and freaks.
There is not a single milligram of clean soil
and water left anywhere on the Planet,
due to the devastated and poisoned globe,
the cause of all diseases throughout the world,
and everyone gets sick and dies painfully.
Environmental pollution from
the mining and burning of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, as well as industry, transport,
cities, towns, sewers, cesspools,
landfills and so on.
Humanity has destroyed and poisoned
the entire globe, water and atmosphere.
From the extraction of everything
from the Earth, huge underground voids,
quarries, funnels and abysses were formed,
and all the water from the stream,
river and lake goes into the void
and disappears forever, and this led
to the shallowing and drying out of streams,
rivers, lakes, groundwater and the Aral Sea,
this is already a global catastrophe.
Climate disasters in all regions and
continents of the world, where water in rivers
goes into underground voids, streams,
rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater
become shallow and dry up.
Water is becoming scarcer everywhere
in Germany, Russia, France, Poland,
Romania, Spain, Portugal, Greece,
Italy, the Netherlands, USA,
Canada, Australia. . In India, China, Europe,
Asia, Africa, the East and all regions
and continents of the world, water levels
everywhere have reached
record lows; year after year, all rivers
and lakes become shallow,
dry up and disappear everywhere
due to the extraction of coal,
oil and gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, copper, nickel,
salt, ore and so on.
Rivers and lakes are becoming shallow
and drying up at a catastrophic rate
in the USA, Germany, Bulgaria,
Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Russia,
France, Poland, Romania, Spain, Portugal,
Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada,
Australia, India, China, Asia, Africa,
in the East and in all regions and continents
of the world and Europe: the Danube, Oder,
Rhine, Elbe, Main, Moselle, Saale,
Mulde, Loire and other rivers
and lakes in many places become shallow,
dry up and the water disappears forever
due to for the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, ore, copper, diamonds,
gold, salt, ore and so on.
From the extraction of everything from
the Earth, huge underground voids,
huge quarries, craters and abysses
were formed, and all the water goes into
the underground voids.
The earth and all flora and fauna are
dying from a polluted,
poisoned, devastated globe.
The entire Earth, water and atmosphere
are contaminated with many toxic
and chemical substances and from all
this all the diseases
and deaths are everywhere.
There is nothing pure anywhere
in the world and there is nothing natural
anywhere, everything on the globe is born
and grows unnaturally, everything turns into
mutants and freaks.
We all live on one Planet
and pollution of the Earth, water and air
will affect everyone anywhere in the world,
which means pollution of the territory
of one country will affect all inhabitants
of the globe. Many people in different regions
and continents of the world believe
that the pollution of the Earth,
water and air from other countries
does not concern them, they say
that they live far away from them,
this criminal thinking has led to global
selfishness and idiocy.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
ask all humanity to save Nature
and stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese,
salt, ore, limestone, diamonds, gold,
silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc, lead,
chromium, soda, chalk, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, magnesium, uranium,
oxide, amber and so on and give
up everything harmful for the sake
of saving Mother Earth.
Before it's too late, you can prevent global
apocolepsis; To do this, urgently
stop the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
ore, salt, and so on.
And let's all live according to the laws
of Nature - this is the best option in the world
| | Всего записей: 727 | Зарегистрирован: 03.03.2013 | Отправлено: 14:22 27.01.2024 | Наверх | На главную страницу форума Перейти в раздел "Общение на разные темы" | |